It is the goal of the Milwaukee Tool Library to make freely available, goods and training to the community of greater Milwaukee through a temporary lending library model.
The Model
For many Americans, the only barrier to the completion of a project, or the acquisition of experience and training, is purchasing power.
Much of today’s industry standard equipment is prohibitively expensive or cumbersome for most people to own outright.
Tool Libraries are a proven system through which neighbors can access the tools and equipment they need for home improvement and creative projects.

The data is clear, most privately owned tools only spend about 12 minutes of their entire life actually being used. Just like a car that is parked 95% of the time, the scale of wasted equipment is astronomical, especially considering the materials that could be saved and repurposed.
Tool libraries therefore save valuable money and resources for the communities they serve. Libraries of all kinds also have the added benefit of raising property values for the neighborhoods in which they are located.
Any city can benefit from the model of a tool or equipment library, regardless of size and population. More such libraries are opening up across the Midwest, bringing opportunity and access to their communities. We love Milwaukee, and we know it has the potential to regain its footing in the midst of high unemployment and low purchasing power.
We know the Milwaukee Tool Library can be a part of that progress.