We did it! Thanks to some incredible volunteers this past Sunday, we were able to successfully move all the tools up into our warehouse proper, and begin the task of categorizing, describing, assessing and photographing our collection! It took about four hours and ended with pizza from Ian’s!

We didn’t get everything done, but I could not be happier with the incredible progress we made. These photos don’t display everything well, but trust me, things are looking great!

Heyy, look at that! You can finally kind of see some of the stuff we have that you can borrow for your next project!

All those tubs stacked up are tools donated by Chuck, my favorite retired nurse who got us started with our very first tools to lend. Since then we have been fortunate to accept tools donated with love from all sorts of folks who just want to make sure the legacy of the equipment is honored with access and use!

Thank you again to everyone who came out to help! It takes community to build something like this, and I am so honored to be a part of this group of people who want to make the world better, even in such a small way.